Simple Activities Guide Cover

Simple Learning Activities for Your PreK-2nd Kids While They are at Home

Like me, you are probably worried about the health and safety of your family right now.  On top of that many schools are closing. Who has the time to think of activities for your children to keep up on the schooling they are missing and stay entertained at home? To take one stress off your back, after requests from many friends, I put together a list of what I do regularly with my own children.  I have 4 children, and we have homeschooled them since preschool. We purchase curriculum for the core subjects, but this list contains things you can do at home with little setup that are free or have very low costs. This is meant to give you simple ways to include learning throughout the day for grades Preschool through 2nd.  I have broken it down by subject and grade level. If you have detailed questions or want more ideas please send me a message. I would love to help!

I hope this gives you some guidance and gets you started.  It can be overwhelming at first but pick 1 or 2 activities a day to focus on and find your balance.  Don’t try to do everything at once. Your child is not going to forget everything they have learned. And, the most important thing they need is support and love from their family in this time of uncertainty.  I created this guide so you had a lot of ideas and options to choose from. At this age, schooling is very minimal. The most important things are to read books, get lots of outside play, limit screen time, create and build daily, and enjoy the extra time you get to spend together!



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