We've been spotted!
Secular Homeschooler Magazine Issue No. 4 “Why I Do Not Celebrate the Holiday I Was Born On” (https://www.secularhomeschooler.com/shop/)
Interview with the Voyage Denver (http://voyagedenver.com/interview/meet-niki-brooks-raising-legacy-e-commerce-business/)
Interview with The Tiny Activist (https://thetinyactivist.com/2019/06/15/introducing-raising-a-legacy/)
Featured in
Featured In 20 Summer Craft to Keep Kids Busy (https://www.care.com/c/stories/3344/summer-crafts-for-kids/on)
Guest Blogger in Multicultural Kid Blogs 10 Famous Pieces of Art for Your Kids to Recreate This Halloween (https://multiculturalkidblogs.com/)
Kindred Learning Collection Issue No. 6 “How Holidays Became the Core of Our Homeschool” (https://chickieroo.wpengine.com/kindred-learning-collection/)
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