We Are Still Here!: Native American Truths Everyone Should Know

We Are Still Here!: Native American Truths Everyone Should Know

This should be a required book on every child’s bookshelf. We Are Still Here presents Native American truths in the format of students giving presentations at school. It covers topics like assimilation, relocation, tribal activism, language revival, sovereign resurgence, and more. There is so much history and culture packed in here all told from the perspective of Native Americans sharing a much-needed viewpoint that is often left out from the majority of history books. It talks about how the US tried to colonize and assimilate Native Americans, how they were impacted, but more importantly how they fought back and preserved their existence. It takes us from past issues and brings us to the issues of today. Each page leaves us with the words, despite all this “We are still here!” This is a powerful mantra that reinforces the strength of Native Americans and defies popular stereotypes.

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Author: Traci Sorell

Illustrator: Frané Lessac – Children’s Book Author of Australia Under the Sea 1, 2, 3 (franelessac.com)

Publisher: Charlesbridge

I was kindly given this book for my honest review but all opinions are my own.


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