From My Window is a beautifully illustrated #ownvoices story that brings the interconnectedness of a favela to life. Favelas are independently run neighborhoods in Brazil. Because they lack government support they often have difficulties accessing water and electricity. The author, who grew up in a favela, puts this negative connotation aside and shares a piece of his life with the reader. The story is told through the viewpoint of a boy looking out his window. He sees the bright colors of the buildings, the vibrant community, and luscious green jungle. He sees children walking to school and neighbors playing games together. He also sees sadness and people searching for treasure, but this is juxtapositioned with the colorful illustrations of people smiling and investing in time together showing the resilience of his community. When it rains they patch the roofs. “When it’s too hot, some people bring the sea to their homes.” Despite all of this, the favela is his home.
The book leaves the reader with the question, “What do you see from your window?”
To pair with the book we drew what we saw when looking out our window.
Author: Otávio Júnior
Illustrator: Vanina StarkoffPublisher: Barefoot Books | Award-winning books & gifts for children
This Post Has One Comment
I did not know about favelas! I loved reading about this book. Thanks so much for sharing with Multicultural Children’s Book Day!
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