Lorena and the Magic Mocha Mirror

Lorena and the Magic Mocha Mirror

Lorena and the Magic Mocha Mirror is about an 8 year old girl that loves spending her summers with her family at the beach. Her favorite thing to do there is enjoy a special treat of Magic Mocha Ice Cream. One day she is told by her friend that she shouldn’t eat ice cream, because it will make her fat. Lorena is hurt and confides with her mother about what happened. Her mother says she is beautiful the way she is, and that she has a different body type than her friend so it is not healthy to try to be exactly the same. Lorena is still worried and stops eating her favorite ice cream. After being mocked by some guys, she goes into the sea to get away. There she meets three mermaids. They each represent a different body type: ectomorph, endomorph, and mesomorph. They make her realize that every one has a different body type and to be comfortable with who you are.

This book encourages a positive self-esteem and body image. This is especially important for girls as they are often taught to try to fit into unrealistic standards at a young age. 

Author Illustrator: Home (vwilliamssanchez.org)

Publisher: Valorena Publishing

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Mia Wenjen

    Thanks so much for sharing with Multicultural Children’s Book Day! We need more body-positive books for girls! This one looks great!

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